[Network|UniFi] Advanced Setup | Guest Network Tutorial


  • No Internet
  • Throughput degradation
  • User shows up as Guest client

“No internet”

Issue detail

Client device(s) successfully connects to VLAN based guest network; however, when connected to the guest SSID, there is no internet connectivity.


Turn Guest Portal setting “off” (on Hotspot).

Even if your hotspot is disabled, this setting still has effect. In fact, even if you do not have Hotspot entry because you have deleted it in the past, the setting may still be left “on”.

In the case of no hotspot entry, you can create another Hotspot and turn it off, then disable or delete the hotspot entry. Alternatively, you can go to classic setting and go to “Guest Control”, which will look like below.

Detail Explanation

Guest Networks exist independently from the Guest Portal and/or Hotspot System, which are built-in tools for guest authentication, authorization & accounting. […] On the other hand, to use a guest portal or hotspot system, a guest network must be enabled and configured. 


Guest Networks in above statement refers to VLAN based guest network in this article. Basically, what it means to us as a user is despite new organization/interface make hotspot and VLAN based guest network completely two separate/independent options, behind the scene two are still tied. In fact, not knowing this fact may cost you hours of troubleshooting (like I did).

despite new organization/interface make hotspot and VLAN based guest network completely two separate process/options, behind the scene two are still tied.

“Throughput degradation”


Turning “on” guest network either Hotspot or VLAN based, other non-guest WiFi (internal wireless network) throughput became severely degraded. In my personal case, they peaked at 150 Mbps.


Reset Access Point(s)

If the issue still persists, keep reading.

In the older APs, this looks like a known issue (ref, ref) and may not be resolved by firmware. If this is the case,

Two potential approaches:

  1. Disable guest network when not needed
  2. Only use selected AP(s) for guest network

Disable Guest Network when not needed

If you disable guest network, you can get full speed off of the AP.

In the above testing, same client, same spot and same AP were used. The difference is either I had Hotspot or VLAN based guest SSID turned “on” on the left. If I turn both “off” (the right), I get full speed back from the AP.

For VLAN based approach, you can just disable WiFi network and leave Network portion untouched. For Hotspot, you can disable it.

*One thing I have not tested here is use scheduled guest network. UniFi has scheduled on/off of both WiFi network and Hotspot, so if you have predictable schedule for visitors, this may be the route you want to take.

Only use selected APs for Guest network

Those of you who have multiple APs, I feel this is the best solution. Basically, you only use specific AP(s) to broadcast guest network (VLAN or Hotspot) and keep others for your internal (non-guest) network.

I basically have only one of five APs (IW-HD) broadcasting guest network (VLAN-based). So if my device becomes connected to that AP even on primary network, I get 150 Mbps cap; otherwise, I get full speed. If I want to, I can make IW-HD completely dedicated for guest network. This will ensure primary network will always use other four APs.

Which and how many APs one would use for guest + internal network vs. guest only vs. internal only depends on case by case. Just as a sample, this is what here is my decision making process.

“User shows up as Guest Client”


iOS App AP Menu: This screen shot is taken after the fix i.e. Guests appropriately showing “0”

Connects Clients should be either User or Guests type. The latter is simply indicating client devices connected to via Guest Network. However, after creation of one of the guest network, you can start seeing multiple devices are listed under guests despite they are connected to non-guest i.e. internal network.


Create another regular/non-guest VLAN

The solution is simple. Just create another regular VLAN i.e. do not check Device Isolation. We do not need to use it.

Setting > Networks > Add a New Network


This is just a bug (ref).