Wi-Fi 5 vs. Wi-6
If we look the table above, highly efficient Wi-Fi 5 system (70% efficiency) can reach 606 Mbps speed, which is essentially the same as inefficiency Wi-Fi 6 system with same MIMO and channel width. This is indeed what I observed with a comparison between UniFi access point and Ax11000 system.
Another way to use this is for sub 600 Mbps internet connection, bottleneck will be your internet connection and not much reason to upgrade to WiFi 6 if you already have a decent Wi-Fi 5 network system.
for sub 600 Mbps internet connection, bottleneck will be your internet connection and not much reason to upgrade to WiFi 6 if you already have a decent Wi-Fi 5 network system.
*This may change in the future if there are many Wi-Fi 6 client devices in house hold as there are more efficient way of handling multiple devices.
Take Home Message
For the Wi-Fi speed, bottleneck will determine the theoretical maximum. If theoretical maximum is dictated by wireless physical link, which is only 50-70% efficient.
Wi-Fi 5 system, 2×2 MIMO device likely cap at 600 Mbps. 3×3 MIMO device like some laptop, they will cap around 800 Mbps.
Don’t be surprised WiFi 6 upgrade may not gain you much speed as WiFi 6 router units especially on mesh system still seems relatively in-efficiency compared to more mature Wi-Fi 5 wave 2 products.
Under 600 Mbps internet connection, Wi-Fi 5 network system may be able to achieve the max throughput on your Wi-Fi client.