[Tabletop|Tanares RPG] Kickstarter | Why do I care as an Arena: the Contest/Tanares Adventure board gamer?

The upcoming campaign will have add-on components specifically for Arena the Contest and Tanares Adventure ie board gamers. This page will be continually updated until the Kickstarter campaign ending.

Change History

  • 8/15/2021 – Update including change in price and addition of Scenario Pack
  • 8/17/2021 – First, board game related content stretch goals are revealed and added.
  • 8/21/2021 – Added Youtube video
  • 8/24/2021 – Official statement from KS Update #69 added
  • 8/29/2021 – Significant change/update on Kickstarter draft including original Mystical Pack ($49) is now spread into Penumbral pack and new Mystical pack. Villain pack now has 2 goblins. Summary table revised accordingly

According draft version of the kickstarter, you can see $179 will get you all board game related contents without RPG content.

Let’s take a bit closer look.

Below is the summary for actual contents you will receive.

Stretch goals

There are two types of Kickstarter campaign when looking at the stretch goals. One is providing the best value upfront and stretch goal is “extra” contents that add relatively small amount of value to original product e.g. Frosthaven, Arydia etc. The second style is to use stretch goals as means to step-wise reveal the real intended package content.

Dragori Games run their campaign with the latter method. So stretch goals that will be added in Dragori Games campaign adds significant value to the their product/pledge tiers.

The obvious downside for this approach is the original/base package underwhelming for their value to most. The benefit of the method is to allow campaign followers to experience continued excitement and keep checking the campaign throughout the course because there are constant new significant surprises during the campaign.

In fact, even preceding to the campaign start, there are already some stretch goal spoilers. Some stretch goals are based on the # of follows of the campaign so all you need to do is go to kickstarter campaign page and click “notify me on launch.” At the time of this writing, they have already unlocked first goal and about to unlock 5000 followers goal.

We fully expect to add a lot of miniatures (and cards, and gameplay, and villains, and – spoiler time! – Heroes!?) to the boardgame-related add-ons, through Stretch Goals

Kickstarter Update #68 Tanares RPG — Stretch Goals

Solo RPG as a board gamer?

This is my true hope. The latest KS update has following statement.

I only care about board games. Why should I back the next Kickstarter?

If you want to try our Adventure (whose story is related to the one from Tanares Adventures), we have a Solo Mode add-on for you to play without the need for a GM or even a party, which gives you much more of a BG vibe.

Kickstarter Update #69 Pledge Manager closes tomorrow (+ important FAQ)

As far as I can tell, this is the first time, Dragori games recognize solo RPG could be for board gamers.